Saturday, April 14, 2012

More About Me

Since I am not a very technical person, I figured I would not try to wow everyone while still trying to figure out what I am doing. I thought that it would be best to start out by just blogging about myself because secretly I have no idea where this post is even going to go. So here I go, pretending like I know what I am doing....

My name is DeAnna Prunes. I am blessed to be the mother of two wonderful little girls, Bella who is 2 and Chloe who is 3 months, and the wife to my husband Jon. My relationship with my husband is different than most other married couples because my husband is also a teacher. Not only is he a teacher but we teach at the same school. So, as you might imagine, education is our lives. I am about to complete my fourth year of teaching and the past three years I have taught in a second grade departmentalized reading and writing classroom. Although I will not be posting any math, science, or social studies lessons, I will include valuable classroom management, parent communication, and organizational tips though out my blogs that I hope everyone who reads will find helpful. 

Me, Ms. Jones (Math), Mrs. Smith (Science/SS)

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