Parent Information

Welcome to my blog! I hope that you find it useful and the information here helps your second grader grow in their education.

Here are some tips on helping you navigate my blog so that you can quickly find what you are looking for. Use the top left hand search bar to help you locate the things you are looking for. Each of my blogs have labels associated with the content of the blog. For example, if you are looking to the Peek at the Week, type Peek in the search bar and it will pull them up in order. The most recent will be on top.

Here is a list of the labels associated with the blogs. I will keep the labels consistent throughout every blog I post:
Peek at the Week = Peek
Spelling List = Spelling
Reading Information = Reading
Writing Information = Writing
Math Information = Math
Science Information = Science
Social Studies Information= Social Studies 
Classroom Organization = Organization
Behavior Management = Behavior
Important News = News

Located in the mid-right hand side is an e-mail sign-up. If you add your e-mail, you will get a message every time a new blog is posted.  

I will try my best to have the follow week's Peek and Spelling List posted on the previous Friday so you will have the information over the weekend. 

If you have ideas of how to make my blog better or if you would like to see something else included, please let me know. I would love to hear from you!  

Mrs. Prunes

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