Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flip Books with B, M, and E!

In writing, we are working on pulling all the wonderful writing techniques that we have learned all year together into well written stories. We use this flip books for several things in class and I thought they are the perfect way to demonstrate how to segregate the elements of the beginning, middle, and end of a story but also how they work together to make a whole story.

We started with drafting our stories in our journals. The draft is seperated into the beginning (including the main characters and setting),the middle (including the problem that the character faces), and the end (including the solution to the problem). The students would write a section of their story and check that it included all the nessacary factors and also that their writing had lots of details.

Next, when they had comleted their story and each section flowed together, they got two friendsto  help edit their writing. When the editing was finished, they were able to make their flip book.

Here is an example of the book that I wrote about our class pet, Ollie, and how he came to be apart of our classroom.
Yummy Worms - Illustrations by Erin Gentry
Setting up the drafting paper.

Reading the beginning section of the story.

The whole story together.

The title on the back. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Picture Flipbook
