Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 3 Information

This week we are going to continue building off our skills from the previous two weeks. We are getting established into our classroom routines. Also, rules and expectations are starting to become second nature to the kids.

We are going to have another timed test over +1 facts on Friday. Be sure to practice, practice, practice at home every night. The students are expected to complete 50 problems in 3 minutes with no mistakes. Also, be sure that your child is practicing their spelling words every singe night.

We will continue building our addition and subtraction skills in math this week. We are going back over characters and setting in a story and we are using the text structure of our weekly story to help our comprehension.We are covering consonant blends in phonics (this is also our spelling skill). We are learning how to magnify topics in our writing to get interesting and clear ideas to write about.We are continuing our study on physical properties in science and we are learning about what makes a rural community in social studies.

As you can see, we are very busy with some fun and exciting lessons this week. I hope that your child is enjoying learning with me as much as I am enjoying learning with them.

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