Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Penguins have overtaken Mrs. Prunes' room!

I have really fallen down on posting! Time has just gotten away from me. I cannot believe how fast the year is going!!

We have some EXCITING news in our classroom!! Santa has sent us a penguin to report back to him. Now, if you know anything about Santa (which I'm sure you do) he normally sends elves. But Santa knows how much I LOVE penguins, so he sent our classroom a penguin that is EXTRA special. He reportes back to Santa every night to inform him of who has been naughty or nice. Our class came together yesterday and they decided to name him Snowchip.

Every morning, when the kids return to school, they have to find our silly penguin and see what he has been up to. This is a picture of his first morning after the kids met him.

In other penguin news, I encourage you to come check out our pengiun bulliten board. The kids worked really hard on making a mosaic penguin, giving their penguin and name, and writing a story about their penguin's winter adventure.