Thursday, May 10, 2012

Peek at the Week and Spelling

May 14 - 18

Peek at the week:
Unit 6 Week 3
Weekly Story – A Birthday Basket for Tia
Genre – Realistic Fiction
Vocab – aunt, bank, basket, collects, favorite, present
Skill – drawing conclusion, questioning
Skill – Final Syllables –tion, -ture, -ion
Language Arts:
Writers Workshop

Spelling List:
1. mixture
2. nation
3. section
4. future
5. picture
6. action
7. caution
8. station
9. fixture
10. motion
11. nature
12. feature

Challenge Words:
1. celebration
2. tradition
3. flowering
4. beetle
5. abdomen

Dictation Sentence:
The picture station featured paintings of nature.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Buddy Reading

The kids LOVE the grab a book, a buddy, a pillow or stuffed animal, and read with each other. I believe that it's a great way to build strong readers. I love to listen and observe them buddy reading. They mimic my questioning that we use during small group time and it tickles me to see them "act" like the teacher. Little do they know, they really are teaching each other.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Peek at the Week and Spelling List

May 7 - 11

Unit 6 Week 2
Weekly Story – Red, White, and Blue: The Story of the American Flag
Genre – Informational Text
Vocab – America, birthday, flag, freedom, nicknames, stars, stripes
Skill – Author’s Puropse, Summarizing
Skill – Abbreviations
Language Arts:
Writers Workshop

Spelling List
1. Mr.
2. Mrs.
3. St.
4. Jan.
5. Feb.
6. Aug.
7. Dr.
8. Ms.
9. Rd.
10. Oct.
11. Nov.
12. Dec.

Challenge Words
1. migration
2. hibernation
3. scientist
4. adaptation
5. journey

Dictation Sentence
Dr. and Mrs. Smith will be our neighbor on our St. soon.